What private online school is the right choice for you?
Commandeurs Bay Academy offers parents and students several different online private American school options to choose from when enrolling at CBA. Choosing the right online school is one of the most important decisions that must be made in regards to the student's education and educational needs. Finding the right school for each student is a major priority and a key for future success in reaching both short term, and long term goals.
Some of our highly recommended top online schools that we recommend for review and selection are:
WiloStar 3D Academy - (Virtual School 6-12) - https://wilostar3d.com
Acellus Academy-(Pre-K-12)*Discounted Scholarship Program- www.acellusacademy.com
ASU Prep Global Academy - (K - 12) - https://www.asuprepglobalacademy.org
Khan World School @ASU Prep Honors Program - asuprep.asu.edu/khan-world-school/
Universal Learner Program (Arizona State University) - https://ea.asu.edu/
Pearson Online Academy (K - 12) - www.pearsononlineacademy.com
Excel High School & Middle School - https://www.excelhighschool.com
Apex Learning Virtual School - www.apexlearningvs.com
The Oaks Private School - https://theoaksprivateschool.org
The Ogburn School - https://ogburn.org
Imagine Learning - (formerly Edgenuity Virtual Academy) - imaginelearning.com
University of Texas Online High School - https://highschool.utexas.edu
Whitmore School (9-12) - www.whitmoreschool.org
Forest Trail Academy - www.foresttrailacademy.com
Indiana University High School- [email protected]
James Madison High School - jmhs.com
* Recommended Non- Accredited Online Academic School Programs:
Power Homeschool (K-12) - www.powerhomeschool.org
After reviewing online school options, Parents and students will meet with CBA's director to discuss the merits of each program, and which online school would be the best selection for the family to enroll the student for the upcoming school year. Each year, the parents and students will meet with CBA's director to review and discuss student performance, grade level, and enrollment options for the next academic school year.
Commandeurs Bay Academy Allow us to provide feasible, flexible, and affordable solutions to satisfy your educational needs.
Some of our highly recommended top online schools that we recommend for review and selection are:
WiloStar 3D Academy - (Virtual School 6-12) - https://wilostar3d.com
Acellus Academy-(Pre-K-12)*Discounted Scholarship Program- www.acellusacademy.com
ASU Prep Global Academy - (K - 12) - https://www.asuprepglobalacademy.org
Khan World School @ASU Prep Honors Program - asuprep.asu.edu/khan-world-school/
Universal Learner Program (Arizona State University) - https://ea.asu.edu/
Pearson Online Academy (K - 12) - www.pearsononlineacademy.com
Excel High School & Middle School - https://www.excelhighschool.com
Apex Learning Virtual School - www.apexlearningvs.com
The Oaks Private School - https://theoaksprivateschool.org
The Ogburn School - https://ogburn.org
Imagine Learning - (formerly Edgenuity Virtual Academy) - imaginelearning.com
University of Texas Online High School - https://highschool.utexas.edu
Whitmore School (9-12) - www.whitmoreschool.org
Forest Trail Academy - www.foresttrailacademy.com
Indiana University High School- [email protected]
James Madison High School - jmhs.com
* Recommended Non- Accredited Online Academic School Programs:
Power Homeschool (K-12) - www.powerhomeschool.org
After reviewing online school options, Parents and students will meet with CBA's director to discuss the merits of each program, and which online school would be the best selection for the family to enroll the student for the upcoming school year. Each year, the parents and students will meet with CBA's director to review and discuss student performance, grade level, and enrollment options for the next academic school year.
Commandeurs Bay Academy Allow us to provide feasible, flexible, and affordable solutions to satisfy your educational needs.